Nose hair can be an embarrassing, complex issue for men to deal with. Some men are cursed with thick, coarse nose-hair that sticks out of their nostrils… and such nose hair can really attract unwanted attention.
Granted, this hair may have been useful back in the days when it was required to protect our nasal cavities from dirt and debris as we hunted and gathered as cave-men. But for the most part, in our modern world, nose-hair is an eyesore that will turn the ladies away in a heartbeat!
And so, as a powerful, confident, attractive alpha male… it is very important to keep this hair trimmed and out of site.
And the best way to do this is with a pair of nose hair trimmers. Yes, you can use scissors, but they take far longer and don’t do nearly as good of a job.
What Will I Learn?
A Full Beard/Facial Hair Maintenance Routine
In this article, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about keeping your nose hair under control… including which nose hair trimmers are the best.
With this resource at your disposal, you’ll have no problem picking up the perfect tool to keep your face clean-shaven, attractive, and free of unsightly nose hair as you live your life and pursue the path of the powerful alpha male.
Alright. Let’s get to it.
First, Why Avoid Plucking?
Plucking out unsightly nose-hairs may seem like the easiest, most hassle-free way to get rid of them.
You just grab a pair of tweezers, and go after it!
But unknown to many people, there are a lot of reasons for why you may not want to do this!
There are actually two different types of nose hairs hidden up inside of our nostrils. But the ones near the outside of the nose… the ones that you may be tempted to pluck… are called vibrissae. These are responsible for keeping large particles from entering (and leaving) the nasal passages.
But these hairs also serve a valuable purpose. They are a first line of defense against germs and diseases that could potentially enter the body and the bloodstream through the nose… which is one of the few areas of the body that is susceptible to giving infections access to the brain.
The takeaway? Plucking these hairs exposes you to germs and potential infections. And due to the sensitive position of the nose, and the fact that it lies so close to the brain, the danger simply isn’t worth it!
They also say to try not to trim them any more than necessary… just enough to get them out of sight.
And of course, you want to do this safely as well. You don’t want to cut, nick, or injure the inside of your nose in any way.
Nose hair trimmers are perfect for this because they are actually specially designed to pose zero threat to the inside of your sensitive nasal cavities.
You can trim with them, wash them up, and be done with it… continuing to look your best without putting your body at risk for infections or injuries.
That’s why trimmers are the best option for removing unwanted nose hair.
Does Everyone Need a Nose Hair Trimmer?
Now that we’ve gotten that more ‘morbid’ part of the conversation out of the way, let’s focus on something a bit less extreme.
Does everyone need a nose hair trimmer?
This is a good question.
For the most part, everyone grows nose hair. There are very few exceptions to this.
But it is also true that people tend to get ‘hairier’ as they get older. This includes nose hair, which tends to grow thicker and longer as you age.
The reason? Because hair follicles exposed to testosterone tend to produce more hair over time. And since basically all humans have testosterone in their bodies, basically all humans tend to get hairier as the years go by.
There is also something to be said for genetics in-general, and that some humans are simply more naturally hairy than others.
In other words… No. Not everyone is going to need a nose hair trimmer all the time. When you are young, you may not notice any stray hairs sticking out of your nose.
But as time goes on, and as you get older, the odds of you waking up and noticing one are going to increase.
And while trimming nose hairs does not make them grow back any thicker (yes, that is a myth), they will tend to continue to get longer and thicker over-time because of how your hormones are affecting your nose hair follicles.
In other words… if you have seen even one nose hair sticking out of your nose, you are probably going to need a nose trimmer; because the problem likely isn’t going to go away by itself.
Is It True That Only Men Use Nose Hair Trimmers?
This is actually a big misconception. Most nose hair trimmers are marketed toward men, and men do use them. But women can also use them, and often do!
It is not unusual at all for women to wish that their nose hair was shorter, and nose hair trimmers can be equally helpful to them as well.
Don’t let the fact that they are mostly marketed to men sway you away from trying one out! Trimmers are definitely intended for anyone to use… male or female.
Nose Hair Trimmer Advantages Over Nose Hair Scissors
If you’ve done any research into nose hair products, you have likely come across nose-hair scissors as well as nose-hair trimmers.
Well, let’s not get too down on the scissors too fast. Back in the day, before modern nose-hair trimmers, scissors were probably the best, healthiest choice for keeping nasal hair at bay.
But now, nose hair trimmers actually provide a few distinct advantages over old-fashioned nose hair scissors.
First of all, they’re faster. Secondly, they do a more thorough job. Thirdly, they’re actually safer. Yes, it may seem strange to think that scissors could be dangerous…. But then again, the nasal cavity is a sensitive place.
Not only that, but the risk for infection in such cases just isn’t worth the risk.
Nose hair trimmers definitely provide a few advantages over nose hair scissors, which is why we recommend them for anyone who deals with unsightly nose hair.
Features to Consider Before Buying a Nose Hair Trimmer
Alright. Now that we’ve talked a bit about the topic in-general, it is time to get specific. What features should you consider before buying a nose hair trimmer?
A quick Google search will yield literally dozens of different product choices. But if you want a trimmer that’s actually going to do a good job, you need to start with the basics and find a model that will deliver positive results on a consistent basis.
Here are the features you need to know about in order to make that happen.
The Power Type
For the most part, the vast majority of nose hair trimmers are going to be powered either by 1 AA battery, or 1 AAA battery. In fact, all of the nose hair trimmers that we are going to talk about in this review are powered by a single AA battery.
When looking at the power type, it is important to get something that will last quite a while on a charge. Not all trimmers are created equal, and some are known for simply lasting a lot longer than their competitors.
So do your homework and figure out which ones tend to last the longest. We will actually be discussing that a bit more in our reviews.
Look for a trimmer that will run longer on a new battery than the competitors. This will end up costing you less in batteries in the long run!
Rotary Nosecones
This is probably the most popular style of blade to be used on nose trimmers… and for good reason. The rotary nosecone is actually made up of a rotating blade housed inside a round metal guard, which keeps the blade from trimming too close to the skin.
This protects your nose, gives you the confidence to trim as close as you want, and still gives you room so that you don’t accidentally over-trim any of the hair.
If you want to go with a style of trimmers that you can have absolute confidence in, this style is probably the best way to go… and there are a lot of options out there if that is the direction you want to go in.
Reciprocating Clippers
Reciprocating clippers are another style of blade used in nose trimmers… though they tend to be a bit less popular.
This style of blade consists of a tiny combed blade which moves back-and-forth against a guard blade.
When hairs enter this balde, they get cut in half by the reciprocating motion of one blade against the other.
Reciprocating clippers are less popular for nose hair trimmers, though this is not because they are dangerous. Contrary to what some people may think, this style of trimmer is completely safe… though it may ‘tickle’ a bit as you trim your nose hairs with it.
The main downside to this blade design is that you have to maneuver it around a bit more to get all of the hairs trimmed.
The main upside? Some trimmers in this style also give you the ability to trim other areas of the body as well… like the ears, eyebrows, upper-lip, etc.
You won’t be able to shave with it, because the motors on these clippers tend not to be powerful enough for that. But they can still give you the ability to do a bit of very light trimming in places like the ear, nose, and eyebrow.
The Noise Level
Noise level isn’t always a big deal. It doesn’t really interfere with the quality of the trim, and it doesn’t necessarily equate to the device itself performing better or worse than a device operating at a different noise level.
But with that being said, some people actually find the louder ‘humming’ sounds of some devices quite annoying. And some people value lower noise levels for other reasons.
For example… if your wife is sleeping in the next room, you may want a quieter device so as not to wake her up. Or, if you use your device to trim the hair on your ears, you may get tired of the loud humming and wish for something quieter.
So this is definitely something to keep in mind.
There actually aren’t that many attachments on a lot of different nose hair trimmers… but some of them do come with a few extra bits and pieces.
One of the great things about these trimmers is that they tend to be simple, fast, easy, and straightforward to use. But… with that being said, there are also examples of products out there that do come with different attachments.
We actually don’t feel that extra attachments are necessary, though… and we tend to prefer nose hair trimmers that are simple and easy to use.
The three devices that we will be reviewing a bit further along in this review are all examples of this.
Attachments are usually more common on more expensive types of trimmers. But if this is important to you, you may want to look at multi-function trimmers with detachable heads that can trim a variety of different places on the body.
Is It Waterproof?
While it may not seem like a nose hair trimmer is something that would need to be waterproof, you may also be surprised at how susceptible they can be to water damage! They are electronic devices, after all.
Nose-hair trimming is often done in the bathroom, near a sink. This means that water is close-by. There is always a chance that you could accidentally drop the device in the sink.
But there is also the potential for other water problems. If your hair is wet, this may drip onto the device. If the room is steamy from a hot bath or shower, that steam can get the device wet and cause a buildup of moisture.
If your hands are wet while you’re using it, water can run along the surface and threaten to seep through openings in the device.
So always check to make sure that the device is waterproof. It’s just too easy to ruin a nose hair trimmer with water to ignore this simple, yet common pitfall.
Alternative use, multifunctionality etc.
Some trimmers can be used to trim more than just nose hair. For example, some can be used to trim the ears, eyebrows, upper-lip hair, etc.
It is important to take note of what areas of the body a trimmer will groom, as this can help you to get the most return for your investment.
Obviously, the nose-hair trimming is the most important part… but that doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t also be helpful to use the device for other things as well.
Most trimmers will also trim ear hair, and some will trim eyebrow hair. It just depends on what style of trimmer you buy, and how it was designed.
Storage Bag/Case
There are a lot of trimmers that actually ship with a portable case or bag to store them in.
This can be a really handy feature, and if you want to look for a trimmer that comes with something like this… then go for it!
None of the trimmers we are reviewing in this article come with a storage case or bag, but there is a reason for that.
We wanted to review the best, most inexpensive nose hair trimmers on the market… so we weren’t interested in spending extra money just to get more accessories.
It’s easy enough to pick up a storage case for $1 at a local retail store!
How Were Our Top Nose Trimmers Selected?
Alright. Now let’s move on to talk about how we selected our top nose hair trimmers to begin with.
We did A LOT of looking around online. We researched, read reviews, looked at prices, compared features, etc.
And at the end of the day, out of the DOZENS that we looked at, these three devices really seemed to rise to the top. They were affordable, did what they were designed to do, looked great on paper, and seemed to get great reviews online.
There are definitely more expensive devices out there that have fancier features. But here at Male Ambition, we want men to live their best lives every day. And to be quite honest, a lot of men aren’t going to buy a $50 nose hair trimmer!
So our price range was set to around $10-$20. There are plenty of awesome options in this category, and we ordered the top 3 and tested them ourselves.
We looked at how each device performed in a number of different categories, including:
- Battery Life
- Design Ergonomics for Comfort
- Thick Hair Test
- Cleaning Test
- The Price
During our tests, we unpacked each one, tried it out, gave it a ‘thick hair’ test, experimented with the features, and got a feel for how they felt in-hand.
We really wanted to find out how well each device functioned, and we ended up learning some things about these devices that we never would have expected!
We also took some time cleaning each one of them, just to make sure that they weren’t too difficult to take apart.
So, without further delay, let’s get to the reviews. If you’re looking for the best nose hair trimmers for your money, take a quick look through these 3 options.
Our 3 Favorite Nose Hair Trimmers: Tested & Rated
We personally ordered and tested all three of these trimmers… and the feedback that follows is our attempt to give you an honest, simple, no-nonsense summarization of our experiences with each one.
Video Review of All 3 Devices
Hopefully, these reviews will give you the information you need to make the best choice for you!
Let’s get to it!
Best Budget Trimmer: Philips Norelco Nose trimmer 1500
The Philips Norelco uses an advanced reciprocating trimming system that makes cutting nose hair easy. But aside from this, it also comes with an eyebrow guard… making it easy to trim your eyebrows and ears as well as your nose hairs!
It is fully washable, easy to clean, and even ships with a AA battery included… so you can be up-and-running in less than 5 minutes without spending any extra money!
Battery Life
We found that, depending on what brand of battery you run in the 1500, you can expect to get 4-5 hours of use… which is pretty awesome! It is also worth noting that this was the only device we tested that actually shipped with a battery. So huge kudos to Philips for that!
Shipping with a battery may not seem like a big deal. But it is actually really appreciated, and it was especially awesome since this was our budget-pick and was already priced so cheaply.
Design Ergonomics for Comfort
We didn’t have any complaints about how the Philips Norelco 1500 was shaped. The curvature of the trimmer on the end made it easy to get it into the nose without a problem… and holding it for the few minutes it took to perform a trim was comfortable.
It is a little bit on the slick side, and doesn’t have much to ‘grab onto,’ but that is a minor detail. It actually feels really good in-hand, and feels surprisingly heavy for the price.
It can be a bit difficult to reach some of the hairs in the nasal cavity with it. You may have to maneuver it around a bit to reach all of them. But this was another minor inconvenience. Even with this, it was 100% better than the standard hair-cutting scissors I was using before!
Thick Hair Test
The Philips Norelco is not a high-powered trimmer. You would not be able to shave your beard or head with it!
But with that being said… it goes through nose hair just fine. I used it to trim up some hairs on my cheek, and it did a great job of that. I also used it on a few of my coarse beard hairs… and it cut through these without a problem.
All in all, it passed the thick hair test with flying colors!
Cleaning Test
You will want to clean the tip of this device every time you use it. But thankfully, this is easy thanks to the simple twist-and-remove design. Removing the end of the trimmer really couldn’t be easier, and getting it back on is just as easy.
This is a very welcome feature. Since you have to clean these every time you use them, it is super helpful to not have to worry about a long-drawn out tip-removal process.
So two thumbs up for that!
The Price
The Philips Norelco Nose Trimmer 1500 is priced at $9.99 on Amazon. This is an awesome price for a trimmer that really gets the job done!
There are trimmers that are cheaper, but they are pretty cheap. This device actually delivers quality for the money.
Our Verdict
We called this our Best Budget Trimmer because it delivers awesome value for an insanely low price. I really can’t believe that this trimmer is only $10! It has plenty of power, it’s relatively heavy-duty in construction, and it performs well on battery power.
If you’re looking for something fast, easy, and very affordable, this is your guy.
It’s really not a bad little nose hair trimmer!
Pros & Cons
- Surprisingly sturdy
- Low cost
- Ships with a battery
- Comes with an eyebrow trimmer guide
- Easy to wash
- I’m not a huge fan of twisting it to turn it on
- It can take a bit of maneuvering to reach all of your nose hairs
Follow-Up Choice: Panasonic ER-GN30-K Nose Ear Hair Trimmer
The Panasonic ER-GN30-K Nose Hair Trimmer combines all of the basic essentials you would want in a nose hair trimmer into a compact, inexpensive, trustworthy design.
We loved the ergonomic handle, the power button, and how easy it was to power up and operate.
This one got our follow-up spot because we felt like the other two options on our list edged out over it in a few different ways. It is priced at $12.83 on Amazon, and is actually very highly reviewed and recommended.
Battery Life
Our tests and research led us to the conclusion that, depending on what battery you use, you should be able to get about 90 minutes of run-time out of a single AA battery. That is pretty good, actually!
Design Ergonomics for Comfort
The handle on this device was probably our favorite out of the handles on all three devices that we reviewed. We loved the curvature and how easy it was to hold. We also felt like the shape was very aesthetically pleasing.
The button was also comfortable and satisfying to use. The only downside here was that the plastic felt a bit ‘cheap’ when compared to the materials used to make the other two devices.
We would have preferred it to feel a bit ‘heavier duty.’
Thick Hair Test
This device cuts nose hairs without a single problem. But when I tried it on some of my coarse beard hair, it ended up struggling a little bit. It almost seemed to lack the ‘oomph’ required to cut this thicker hair most of the time, which was a bit of a let down for me.
But still, with that being said, it did a superb job on nose hair… which is what it was designed for.
There are going to be obvious limits to what a trimmer can do when it is powered by a single AA battery. But still, I couldn’t help but to feel like this one was a little bit less ‘powerful’ than the other two we reviewed.
Cleaning Test
Cleaning this device couldn’t be easier, and literally takes about 20 seconds. You just unscrew the tip, rinse it out with some water, dry it off, and put it back.
It just doesn’t get any easier than that.
The Price
Priced at $12.83, this product is well worth the money. We feel like you may get a bit more value with some other products… but there really isn’t anything to complain about with the Panasonic ER-GN30-K.
For a lesser expensive nose hair trimmer, it actually packs in a lot of features and pros for the money.
Our Verdict
We love almost everything about this trimmer. The main downsides, for us, were that the plastic didn’t feel super durable, and that it seemed to lack some of the power offered by other devices.
But with those things being said, it is still a super-solid pick that you won’t regret if you buy it.
For less than $13, it’s a tough act to follow. Plus, the ergonomic handle really won us over. It was definitely tough to decide between this one and the Philips Norelco for Best Budget Pick!
Pros & Cons
- Nice on-off switch
- Inexpensive
- Battery installation is super easy
- Can also be used to trim the ears
- Easy to wash
- Plastic doesn’t feel as ‘rugged’ as I would have liked
- Seems to lack a bit of the power that I’ve experienced with other devices
Our Top Pick: ToiletTree Professional Heavy Duty Nose Hair Trimmer
This trimmer, designed by ToiletTree, offers sturdy construction, a lot of power, an LED guide light, and a lifetime guarantee, for a very affordable price.
This device was basically a no-brainer for the top spot, right from the very beginning. It is operated by a single AA battery, features a powerful rotary cutting system, and is also waterproof… ensuring that you won’t accidentally damage it by getting it wet.
Battery Life
Our tests indicate that you can get about 4 hours out of this device if your battery is fully-charged, depending on what battery you use. Results vary, obviously… but you certainly won’t have to worry about intense battery-draining with the ToiletTree.
Design Ergonomics for Comfort
The handle was comfortable enough to hold-on to, though I will also admit that it was probably my least-favorite in terms of aesthetics. It looked a bit like a giant pencil!
But, it got the job done, and trimming with it was easy and hassle-free… so no real complaints.
Still, I did find myself wishing it looked a little bit cooler! I felt like the Panasonic was a lot cooler in handle-design.
Thick Hair Test
The ToiletTree did pretty well on the thick hair test. It trims nose hairs without an issue, and does pretty well on coarse beard-hair as well.
You obviously can’t shave or trim your beard with this device. But it has more than enough power to get the job done trimming nose hairs.
Cleaning Test
Cleaning the ToiletTree is super simple. You just unscrew the tip, pop it off, rinse it, dry it, and put it back.
It takes about 30 seconds. It’s super easy and well designed. I would say that ToiletTree pretty much nailed it on this one!
The Price
Priced at $17.95, this is the most expensive product on our top-3 list. But it is also unique in that it comes with a lifetime replacement guarantee!
All you have to do in the event of a breakdown is get in touch with the company to get it replaced. If you buy this product, you are absolutely protected in the event that something goes wrong… which is really, really awesome!
So yes. It is definitely worth the money. In fact, the ToiletTree offers the best value of all of the nose hair trimmers we’ve reviewed, even if all you take into account are the rugged construction and the replacement guarantee on their own.
Our Verdict
This trimmer does everything a quality nose-trimmer should do. It has decent battery life, a comfortable handle, a rugged exterior, a nice on-off switch, an LED guide light, and a cover for the rotary tip.
It is easy to clean, and does a great job trimming nose hairs.
Plus, it does all of this while also offering a lifetime guarantee.
We don’t feel like there is another trimmer on the market that can deliver the same kind of value for the money… which is why the ToiletTree is our number-one top pick.
Pros & Cons
- Sturdy on-off switch
- Comes with a lifetime guarantee
- Battery installation is super easy
- Rugged, durable design
- Tip/blades are easy to clean
- We weren’t in-love with how this product looked from a purely aesthetic perspective
- At close to $20, it is a bit more expensive than the other two in our list
- Step by Step Guide to Using a Nose Trimmer
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Nose trimmers don’t usually need to be used every day. But you do need to know how they work and how to go about the process of safely and effectively trimming your nose hairs.
There isn’t a lot that can go wrong with this, but you definitely want to keep a few things in mind.
Here are some steps that will help you to navigate this process successfully.
Choosing the Most Convenient Trimmer
First off, start by choosing the most convenient trimmer for you. Purchase a model that really does a good job of giving you what you need, and then spend some time getting used to it.
We’ve reviewed three excellent trimmers in this article, and any one of them would work well for you. But even if you don’t choose one of those, choose one that really suits you well.
Ensure That There’s Enough Light
Make sure that you’re working in a well-lit area. If your trimmer has a built in LED, like the ToiletTree model listed above, even better!
If your bathroom tends to be dim, try installing brighter light bulbs. You can also purchase a separate lamp or light and turn it on.
In any case, it is important to be able to see what you are working with pretty clearly. You don’t want to make a mistake and take a piece of your moustache!
Once you have an awesome trimmer and a well-lit area to work with, it will be time to get started.
Clean Your Nose
Since your nose hair trimmer is going to be up inside your nostril, take a moment to clean it out. Blow it, wipe it out, and use some nasal spray if you feel like going the extra mile.
This will help you to keep your trimmer clean and free of gunk and debris as you use it… which will also give you a better-quality trim and enable you to use it longer without taking a break to clean it.
Use Caution
One of the most important things to remember about keeping your nose hair trimmed is to use caution when actually sticking the device up into your nostrils. If you prod or jab it up there, you can actually injure the sensitive tissues in your nose and open yourself up to an infection.
So take your time, be gentle, and try not to cause yourself any harm.
Trimmers are a lot safer in this regard than scissors, but they can still hurt you if used incorrectly.
Make It a Part of Your Routine
Some people handle their nose-trimming whenever they trim their beard or do their hair. And if this is the case for you, you should strive to make it a permanent part of your routine.
I actually recommend starting out with the small stuff, like trimming your nose hair, before going on to bigger things, like trimming your beard.
Once you’ve got everything done, you can grab some gel or beard-balm and start styling.
Adopt your own beauty regimen! As powerful alpha males, we need to look our best at all times. So style up, and make sure your nose hair stays trimmed back and out of sight!
FAQ’s About Nose Hair Trimmers
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we get about this topic, along with the answers.
How often should you trim your nose hair?
As a general rule, once every two weeks is often enough to keep nose-hair at bay. But in some rare cases, you may need to trim it more often.
Just try to avoid trimming if it isn’t necessary, as you don’t want to remove all of your nose hair! You want to leave as much of it as possible to act as a barrier against germs from outside your body.
Is nose trimming painful?
If you own a quality trimmer and perform the trim correctly, it should not be painful at all. If it is painful, it is possible that your trimmer isn’t functioning properly, or that something else is going wrong.
Take a moment to read through your directions, or to look up some reviews of the trimmer you ordered. A high-quality trimmer should not be causing you pain when it is being used correctly.
Does nose hair grow back?
Yes, but it actually takes a while. It can take over 4 weeks for your nose hair to completely grow back after a trim… which is why trimming about once every two weeks will keep the problem minimized and out of sight!
Are nose hair trimmers safe?
As long as you buy one that is designed with safety in mind, and use it as directed in the instructions, yes… they tend to be very safe!
How Does Nose Hair Trimming Fit Into the Alpha-Male Journey?
Here at Male Ambition, we strive to help every man live the best life possible.
And part of living the life of an alpha male is to take control of your style and level of attraction.
Some of us are born with great genes that make us attractive from day-one… while others have to work at it. But we can all take matters into our own hands and take control of our attraction by leveling up our style, putting in time to look as good as possible, and avoiding being lazy when it comes to dressing up and giving the ladies some ‘eye candy’ to look at!
There are many elements to this, including:
- Grooming
- Hygiene
- Clothing style
- Hair and beard style
- Cologne choice
Trimming your nose hair should be something that you automatically do, every two weeks or so, to keep from having unsightly hairs sticking out of your nostrils.
Trust me… the ladies don’t like stray nose hairs, mostly because they’re distracting.
Anything that steals the focus away from your eyes, words, conversation, or actions is not going to be good for you as an alpha male. So the key is to remove as many distractions as possible, making the ladies around us more likely to notice the traits we want them to see.
Is It ‘Vain’ For Men to Use a Nose Hair Trimmer?
Is it ‘vain’ to want to keep your nose hair trimmed up and looking good?
Maybe a little bit. But then again… why is that a bad thing?
As powerful, attractive, alpha-male men, we want to constantly be ready to compete and win…. In all areas of life.
We want to win with attractive women, at work, at home, and at whatever else we put our minds to.
And one thing we need to do is set aside the idea that notions like vanity are negative.
It is negative to be mean to someone. It is not negative to dress up, look in the mirror, and be proud of what you look like.
So let’s call things what they are. Using a nose-hair trimmer may be a little bit vain, and that is perfectly fine!
It is far worse to never put effort into your appearance, and then feel sorry for yourself when you never get any dates or attention from the beautiful women you’d like to be spending time with!
In Conclusion
Hopefully, this article has done a pretty good job of educating you about the importance of nose hair trimmers, how to buy them, how to use them, what to look for, and which models in-particular we like the most.
Our goal with this piece was to give every man everything he needs to keep his nose hair under control and looking good, every single day.
With that being said, thank you for giving it a read, and please check back for more content and blogs about how to be a powerful, attractive, successful alpha male!
Using a nose hair trimmer may be a small detail in this journey… but even small details are important!
See you on the next one!
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Joshua Sigafus is an experienced writer trying to make the world a better place. You can reach out to him on Facebook.
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